Asteroid-PPM/SAO Appulses - 2025 January

All dates and times are Universal Time
Positions are geocentric J2000 and include planetary perturbations and proper motion
Star positions from the SAO catalog (J2000.0 / FK5)
The star number is from the PPM catalog unless preceded with *, which indicates the SAO catalog number
Separations are in arcseconds, Position Angle is from the star to the asteroid
Calculations by Brian D. Warner
Asteroid < mag 16;  Star < 7.0;  Elong from Sun > 45 degrees

Date     UT    Number  Asteroid               RA        Dec      Mag    Sep  PA   PPM/SAO  Con     Mag
01 01   13:44      840 Zenobia             12 20.93  -13 33.89   16.0     3  318   225705          5.1
01 01   16:35     2546 Libitina            07 18.06  +30 56.83   15.2    32  180    72652          6.0
01 02   11:48      887 Alinda              05 22.89  +02 39.85    9.9   165  226   148854          6.8
01 02   13:52      196 Philomela           00 10.23  -05 12.50   12.6   167   29   181928          6.1
01 02   14:34      803 Picka               14 46.14  -21 12.77   15.7   133  166   263379          6.8
01 02   20:40      905 Universitas         08 59.91  +26 24.89   14.7    85  145    99216          6.7
01 02   21:44     2466 Golson              06 49.80  +16 10.36   15.9   112  165       33  GEM     5.9
01 02   22:15     5577 Priestley           07 07.38  +28 09.96   15.9    51  139    97053          6.2
01 03   01:09      887 Alinda              05 27.25  +03 49.48    9.9   150  223   148969          6.6
01 03   06:05      807 Ceraskia            12 10.08  +05 46.23   16.0   134  189   158575          5.7
01 03   08:31     1304 Arosa               13 17.26  +13 40.18   14.8    22  176   129714          6.2
01 03   12:30      803 Picka               14 47.26  -21 17.57   15.7   117  347   263395          5.9
01 03   15:44      349 Dembowska           14 50.82  -16 04.12   12.2   105  153   Alpha2  LIB     2.8
01 04   17:42      768 Struveana           23 19.06  -13 26.66   15.7    74   43       94  AQR     5.3
01 05   06:00     2912 Lapalma             08 41.22  +20 27.74   15.8    61  149    98952          7.0
01 05   17:08     5332 Davidaguilar        06 36.98  -41 33.62   15.1    87  264   310940          6.2
01 05   20:02      248 Lameia              15 38.25  -21 02.10   15.4    69  161   264480          5.9
01 05   22:57     5231 Verne               09 33.15  +28 20.99   15.7   137  115    99676          6.4
01 06   06:44      149 Medusa              14 45.99  -15 26.50   15.5    68  341   229252          6.5
01 06   11:51      887 Alinda              05 56.88  +11 30.55    9.6    64  230   121631          5.9
01 06   12:16     1033 Simona              08 01.23  +04 53.70   15.4    55  357   153737          5.6
01 06   14:30      408 Fama                22 55.03  +01 02.75   15.1    75  205   173553          6.2
01 06   21:51     1111 Reinmuthia          10 08.38  +11 58.66   15.8    41  336    Alpha  LEO     1.3
01 07   00:16      550 Senta               22 21.71  -01 24.88   14.1   107  203    Gamma  AQR     3.8
01 07   12:59      737 Arequipa            23 20.67  -05 54.35   13.7    10   27   207450          6.0
01 07   15:33     1622 Chacornac           07 34.62  +31 55.91   15.8   160  350    Alpha  GEM     1.9
01 10   08:39     1156 Kira                09 25.57  +16 35.97   15.3    56  330   126439          6.3
01 10   17:53     6019 Telford             08 04.76  +18 47.85   15.9   160  183   124820          6.1
01 13   02:25      678 Fredegundis         11 35.16  -04 21.48   14.1   161  275   194612          6.4
01 13   08:29      338 Budrosa             16 14.92  -25 26.45   14.5   132  349   265306          6.5
01 13   14:57      369 Aeria               07 45.21  +27 58.94   12.3   171  154     Beta  GEM     1.1
01 14   22:10     1542 Schalen             08 01.47  +16 24.41   15.0   177  169   124750          5.9
01 15   07:27      325 Heidelberga         15 54.49  -27 20.44   15.7     8  141   264837          6.7
01 15   21:30      673 Edda                16 07.43  -20 51.19   15.9    59  343   Omega2  SCO     4.6
01 16   09:27      952 Caia                22 52.87  -10 06.17   14.5   177  206   240876          6.9
01 16   12:48     2165 Young               08 39.74  +19 47.62   15.6    59  337       38  CNC     7.0
01 18   06:16      510 Mabella             13 34.65  -13 14.60   14.9   106  167   227511          6.4
01 18   15:59     7068 Minowa              07 56.06  +23 35.71   15.6   109  156    98140          6.7
01 19   01:54      910 Anneliese           14 38.99  -10 33.92   15.8    42  154   229085          6.8
01 20   10:42      278 Paulina             14 16.31  -06 40.15   14.2   176  165   197365          6.8
01 20   10:43      777 Gutemberga          14 06.48  -26 38.74   15.3   159  325       Pi  HYA     3.3
01 20   15:00      673 Edda                16 14.48  -21 06.83   15.9    22  179   265296          6.9
01 21   02:36      118 Peitho              16 06.76  -20 42.20   14.6   128  161   Omega1  SCO     4.1
01 21   06:12      339 Dorothea            08 01.83  +08 54.23   14.1    41  157   153749          6.2
01 21   06:24      443 Photographica       16 14.65  -18 32.45   14.9    17  169   231413          6.1
01 21   13:13     1243 Pamela              16 16.45  -24 16.31   15.7    37  359   265337          6.9
01 21   16:58      738 Alagasta            13 00.62  -03 19.61   15.2   150  351       46  VIR     6.0
01 21   17:33      945 Barcelona           17 19.87  -48 31.44   15.7    96  352   322823          6.9
01 21   18:08     4132 Bartok              06 56.16  -17 03.13   14.7    23  285     Iota  CMA     4.4
01 21   19:20      800 Kressmannia         09 11.92  +18 00.89   15.1   107  168   126201          6.9
01 21   19:25   265196 2004 BW58           12 06.03  -32 57.77   15.7    38   90   289736          6.4
01 22   02:18      241 Germania            08 58.51  +11 53.82   12.5   143  353    Alpha  CNC     4.3
01 22   16:51      182 Elsa                13 55.82  -09 32.31   14.3    78  348   197025          6.7
01 22   21:58      594 Mireille            08 38.25  -06 41.73   15.9   143  146   191542          6.9
01 22   23:22      485 Genua               14 19.11  -13 23.14   13.5    53  183   Lambda  VIR     4.5
01 23   00:11      405 Thia                22 57.59  +03 46.78   15.0   118  199   173590          6.3
01 23   04:12      503 Evelyn              13 58.98  -06 56.07   14.2    35  159   197077          7.0
01 23   07:22      425 Cornelia            10 46.33  +14 09.54   14.1   147  149       52  LEO     5.5
01 23   12:20     2380 Heilongjiang        08 50.72  +18 48.61   15.3    83  162   125810          6.2
01 24   04:41     1000 Piazzia             16 46.78  -39 24.01   15.7    83  167   295474          5.5
01 24   06:38     5438 Lorre               11 30.17  -25 47.96   15.3   143   91   259077          6.9
01 25   02:30     4670 Yoshinogawa         08 58.31  +18 15.64   16.0   170  180   125970          6.6
01 25   10:13      364 Isara               07 39.13  +24 10.79   12.0   163  158    97796          6.0
01 25   19:44     2822 Sacajawea           08 52.49  +32 27.37   15.6    94  129   Sigma1  CNC     5.8
01 26   10:43     4440 Tchantches          07 58.52  +02 55.76   15.4    27  214   153652          6.8
01 27   07:56     1146 Biarmia             16 05.05  -18 32.40   15.1     0  170   231166          6.7
01 27   08:51     4725 Milone              09 37.71  -03 12.11   15.7   121  156   192578          6.7
01 27   19:09     1457 Ankara              15 50.99  -25 44.32   15.7    46  351        1  SCO     4.4
01 27   22:10     1735 ITA                 16 19.60  -30 52.58   16.0   115  338   294924          5.5
01 29   09:25      787 Moskva              00 01.86  -03 03.28   14.9   104  200   181771          5.4
01 29   22:00     2294 Andronikov          09 17.88  +11 31.36   15.9    80  345   126297          6.4
01 30   08:15     1254 Erfordia            06 36.73  +23 04.18   15.6   102  192    96248          6.8
01 30   15:19       63 Ausonia             17 43.29  -27 54.03   11.9    59  171   267186          6.7
01 30   18:21       99 Dike                17 16.15  -26 35.67   14.3   152  161   266626          6.5
01 31   10:21       99 Dike                17 17.63  -26 40.22   14.3   148  170   266648          7.0
01 31   11:12     2522 Triglav             08 05.07  +13 08.53   15.8    88  359        8  CNC     5.1
01 31   13:30      297 Caecilia            17 39.32  -29 33.76   15.2   114  171   267120          7.0
01 31   20:17     1210 Morosovia           16 13.88  -11 47.70   15.7   156  350      Chi  SCO     5.2