Asteroid-Asteroid Appulses - 2025 October

All dates and times are Universal Time
Positions are geocentric J2000 and include planetary perturbations
The first asteroid in the pair is the brighter of the two
Separations are in arcseconds, Position Angle is from the brighter asteroid to the fainter
Calculations by Brian D. Warner
Asteroid < mag 16; Elong from Sun > 45 degrees

Ast 1 :  Asteroid 1 Number
Name 1:  Asteroid 1 Name
Ast 2 :  Asteroid 2 Number
Name 2:  Asteroid 2 Name
RA:      Asteroid 1 RA
Dec:     Asteroid 1 Declination
Mag 1:   Asteroid 1 V magnitude
Mag 2:   Asteroid 2 V magnitude
Sep:     Separation, arcsec
PA:      Position Angle, Ast 1 to Ast 2
         0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West
SE:      Angular separation between Sun and Ast 1
ME:      Angular separation between Moon and Ast 1
MP:      Moon Phase
         0 = New, 0.5 = Quarter, 1 = Full. + = Waxing; – = Waning

Date     UT    Ast1     Name1                 Ast2     Name2                      RA            Dec     Mag1  Mag2  Sep  PA   SE   ME     MP  
10 02   08:56      635  Vundtia                  5920  1992 SX17                22 59.75     -03 20.34  13.9  15.7    1   79  154   20  +0.853
10 02   13:21     1463  Nordenmarkia            16529  Dangoldin                23 45.56     +05 25.52  14.4  15.7  215  269  167   44  +0.791
10 02   14:43      244  Sita                    14705  2000 CG2                 00 35.65     +06 00.38  13.2  15.6  264  289  178   45  +0.853
10 03   02:42      483  Seppina                  2097  Galle                    22 26.83     -05 50.14  13.6  15.6  219   93  144   11  +0.951
10 04   08:32      652  Jubilatrix               1042  Amazone                  23 31.85     -31 44.74  14.5  14.8  196  115  134  111  -0.663
10 07   09:14      661  Cloelia                  1467  Mashona                  20 15.01     -23 03.46  15.4  14.2  187   85  104  130  -0.793
10 09   00:15      605  Juvisia                  5526  Kenzo                    23 50.51     +14 19.89  13.7  15.8   82  295  161   50  -0.900
10 12   08:40     1867  Deiphobus               11852  Shoumen                  03 19.16     +44 46.99  15.8  15.5   95  102  133   38  -0.636
10 13   00:41      355  Gabriella                1016  Anitra                   03 00.39     +22 15.54  13.7  14.1  243   92  155  108  -0.162
10 13   01:39     2022  West                     3300  McGlasson                02 47.26     +21 25.47  15.1  15.4  198  319  161  145  -0.021
10 13   21:05        5  Astraea                   419  Aurelia                  17 31.29     -20 08.10  12.8  13.0  246  187   62  139  -0.389
10 14   09:42      221  Eos                       517  Edith                    19 28.15     -19 54.37  13.0  15.6  132  154   88  138  -0.181
10 16   01:58     1032  Pafuri                  16009  1999 CM8                 00 41.51     -08 57.12  15.1  14.7  249  121  158  149  -0.162
10 20   08:37       27  Euterpe                   573  Recha                    21 07.77     -18 18.55  11.6  14.6   68  109  103   59  +0.140
10 20   15:03      331  Etheridgea               1351  Uzbekistania             22 43.77     -12 17.61  14.6  15.5  284    9  123   46  +0.385
10 20   21:36       50  Virginia                  794  Irenaea                  20 35.32     -17 34.03  13.3  16.0  286  216   95   24  +0.339
10 22   01:57      940  Kordula                  1056  Azalea                   21 57.17     -20 47.77  14.4  14.8  208   22  114   95  +0.029
10 22   04:13       10  Hygiea                    215  Oenone                   06 30.80     +24 54.63  11.4  14.5   34  210  117  176  +0.294
10 22   05:11      414  Liriope                 24980  1998 KF2                 02 17.90     -00 26.21  14.4  15.9  213  307  166  159  +0.016
10 22   05:31      187  Lamberta                  255  Oppavia                  06 00.69     +33 47.27  13.8  15.2   23    4  123  169  +0.294
10 24   18:23      523  Ada                    164206  2004 FN18                02 26.05     +19 32.44  13.5  14.5  152  115  170  154  +0.095
10 26   16:58      147  Protogeneia               984  Gretia                   20 08.20     -18 14.15  14.5  14.3   77  214   85    8  +0.409
10 31   04:30      516  Amherstia                 917  Lyka                     20 15.12     -20 58.69  13.5  15.7  233    4   83   39  +0.761