Asteroid-Asteroid Appulses - 2025 August

All dates and times are Universal Time
Positions are geocentric J2000 and include planetary perturbations
The first asteroid in the pair is the brighter of the two
Separations are in arcseconds, Position Angle is from the brighter asteroid to the fainter
Calculations by Brian D. Warner
Asteroid < mag 16; Elong from Sun > 45 degrees

Ast 1 :  Asteroid 1 Number
Name 1:  Asteroid 1 Name
Ast 2 :  Asteroid 2 Number
Name 2:  Asteroid 2 Name
RA:      Asteroid 1 RA
Dec:     Asteroid 1 Declination
Mag 1:   Asteroid 1 V magnitude
Mag 2:   Asteroid 2 V magnitude
Sep:     Separation, arcsec
PA:      Position Angle, Ast 1 to Ast 2
         0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West
SE:      Angular separation between Sun and Ast 1
ME:      Angular separation between Moon and Ast 1
MP:      Moon Phase
         0 = New, 0.5 = Quarter, 1 = Full. + = Waxing; – = Waning

Date     UT    Ast1     Name1                 Ast2     Name2                      RA            Dec     Mag1  Mag2  Sep  PA   SE   ME     MP  
08 02   03:36     1215  Boyer                   29235  1992 EU13                20 35.01     -20 33.78  14.1  16.0   98  114  174   63  +0.686
08 02   03:56      226  Weringia                 3773  Smithsonian              22 09.14     -14 24.37  12.6  14.9  154  279  162   86  +0.686
08 04   05:36     1853  McElroy                  3543  Ningbo                   19 51.20     -19 53.57  15.4  15.9  161  292  161   14  +0.927
08 04   08:19      226  Weringia                 2939  Coconino                 22 07.94     -14 54.17  12.6  15.9  169  117  164   61  +0.848
08 05   21:36     1563  Noel                    18666  1998 FT53                22 13.94     -22 02.24  15.5  15.8   17  100  164   31  +0.971
08 07   00:32      544  Jetta                     626  Notburga                 01 17.15     +18 28.57  14.5  12.7  171  266  110   93  +0.962
08 09   15:47      462  Eriphyla                 1264  Letaba                   14 18.67     -11 18.13  15.1  14.7  234   47   78  123  -0.965
08 11   07:12     3900  Knezevic                 4209  Briggs                   22 06.94     -14 49.45  15.8  15.5  270  272  174   65  -0.664
08 11   10:57      663  Gerlinde                  849  Ara                      12 38.57     -10 18.52  14.7  14.1   90  162   52  155  -0.608
08 11   19:07      210  Isabella                  345  Tercidina                12 51.15     -05 13.60  15.4  14.3  180  182   54  175  -0.767
08 12   22:04      484  Pittsburghia             7723  Lugger                   22 52.39     -16 14.08  13.1  15.3   56  182  163   74  -0.522
08 13   19:25      784  Pickeringia              1916  Boreas                   01 08.50     +03 20.19  14.6  15.1  115   78  124    6  -0.767
08 14   12:06      209  Dido                      370  Modestia                 05 13.55     +28 49.61  14.6  15.5  259  173   63   33  -0.551
08 14   18:39     1985  Hopmann                313591  2003 MB7                 21 32.97     -06 28.04  15.8  15.7  276  271  172   69  -0.664
08 14   20:25     1636  Porter                   2097  Galle                    22 58.48     -04 19.92  14.8  15.2  175  266  160   81  -0.407
08 15   09:00      141  Lumen                    2256  Wisniewski               21 06.32     -16 52.11  11.1  15.7   93  131  170  111  -0.407
08 16   02:30      421  Zahringia                2105  Gudy                     17 57.45     -12 45.33  16.0  16.0  162  104  124  156  -0.352
08 16   04:59      484  Pittsburghia             3161  Beadell                  22 50.32     -16 47.80  13.1  15.9  143  120  164   92  -0.379
08 18   12:23      577  Rhea                     1591  Baize                    16 27.47     -27 07.89  14.4  15.0  280  281  104  157  -0.201
08 19   01:55      489  Comacina                13919  1984 SO4                 21 48.49     -06 22.13  13.2  16.0  222  129  173  155  -0.045
08 19   10:44      483  Seppina                 17284  2000 MJ5                 22 50.93     +00 29.24  13.2  15.7   34  286  162  125  -0.102
08 25   07:59       30  Urania                   1903  Adzhimushkaj             20 27.23     -18 33.71  10.8  15.4  265  120  149   89  +0.252
08 26   02:16     1946  Walraven                 5951  Alicemonet               23 32.22     -15 30.63  13.7  14.8  238  288  163  144  +0.155
08 26   12:58     3385  Bronnina                 5875  Kuga                     22 26.53     -00 42.11  15.0  15.5  142  279  171  117  +0.294
08 28   02:35      551  Ortrud                    648  Pippa                    18 23.84     -23 47.98  15.4  15.9   39  300  114   29  +0.893
08 31   03:12     1790  Volkov                   2525  O'Steen                  22 16.51     -15 07.79  15.8  14.9  283  343  168   45  +0.779
08 31   09:55      379  Huenna                   4583  Lugo                     22 58.34     -06 02.01  12.2  14.8  119   74  179   42  +0.876