Asteroid-Asteroid Appulses - 2022 April

All dates and times are Universal Time
Positions are geocentric J2000 and include planetary perturbations and proper motion
The first asteroid in the pair is the brighter of the two
Separations are in arcseconds, Position Angle is from the brighter asteroid to the fainter
Calculations by Brian D. Warner
Asteroid < mag 16; Elong from Sun > 45°

Ast 1:   Asteroid 1 Number
Name 1:  Asteroid 1 Name
Ast 2:   Asteroid 2 Number
Name 2:  Asteroid 2 Name
RA:      Asteroid 1 RA
Dec:     Asteroid 1 Declination
Mag 1:   Asteroid 1 V magnitude
Mag 2:   Asteroid 2 V magnitude
Sep:     Separation, arcsec
PA:      Position Angle, Ast 1 to Ast 2
         0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West
SE:      Angular separation between Sun and Ast 1
ME:      Angular separation between Moon and Ast 1
MP:      Moon Phase
         0 = New, 0.5 = Quarter, 1 = Full. + = Waxing; – = Waning

Date    UT     Ast 1   Name 1                 Ast 2   Name 2                    RA           Dec      Mag1  Mag2  Sep  PA   SE   ME     MP  
04/01  10:05       73  Klytia                    432  Pythia                   05 16.70     +25 16.5  14.3  14.4  800   37  117   67   0.001
04/01  15:10     1320  Impala                    977  Philippa                 19 04.71     -25 27.2  15.6  15.8  255  200   68   91   0.002
04/02  15:57      182  Elsa                      797  Montana                  18 20.93     -22 07.9  14.5  15.0  433  156   69  115   0.022
04/02  19:51      720  Bohlinia                  495  Eulalia                  13 44.38     -09 55.7  13.7  15.1  819   65   72  176   0.027
04/03  21:59      482  Petrina                   282  Clorinde                 15 24.47     -05 03.0  13.3  14.8  519  324   79  167   0.073
04/04  05:58     4457  van Gogh                 1825  Klare                    10 35.18     +03 08.6  15.5  16.0  607  115   85  110   0.091
04/04  15:37      986  Amelia                    562  Salome                   22 17.56     -19 08.9  14.9  15.6  824  201   79   85   0.116
04/04  18:37     1957  Angara                   4375  Kiyomori                 13 16.23     +02 27.4  15.4  15.4  685  269   84  140   0.124
04/05  04:42      350  Ornamenta                 798  Ruth                     18 11.30     -16 42.7  14.6  15.0   25  127   74  147   0.152
04/06  16:02      760  Massinga                 1098  Hakone                   04 12.26     +31 16.5  13.9  15.7  241  176  125   14   0.266
04/06  22:42      386  Siegena                  1642  Hill                     10 03.94     +09 54.3  12.9  15.1  309  277   92   68   0.289
04/07  17:12      442  Eichsfeldia               538  Friederike               19 15.02     -16 47.8  14.4  15.4  294  173   76  161   0.357
04/08  16:10     1631  Kopff                    5413  Smyslov                  12 47.54     -04 41.4  15.5  15.9  317  172   77   91   0.446
04/08  23:41       42  Isis                       73  Klytia                   05 28.68     +25 35.2  13.2  14.4  866  205  116   23   0.475
04/09  05:24      886  Washingtonia             9233  Itagijun                 14 06.37     +00 14.9  15.0  15.7  116  273   83  100   0.498
04/10  18:09      158  Koronis                   379  Huenna                   08 20.20     +18 41.2  14.4  15.2  649  200  103    7   0.643
04/11  08:00        1  Ceres                     779  Nina                     05 00.59     +25 03.1   9.0  13.8  216  285  117   58   0.696
04/12  00:15      535  Montague                  311  Claudia                  04 42.36     +22 44.8  14.8  15.8  681  157  115   71   0.756
04/12  15:25      823  Sisigambis               1682  Karel                    12 59.18     -12 15.6  13.6  16.0  808  304   69   49   0.809
04/12  20:13      987  Wallia                    506  Marion                   21 12.87     -20 26.0  14.8  15.3  491  346   76  161   0.825
04/13  19:36     1227  Geranium                14720  2000 CQ85                16 10.67     -39 41.8  15.6  15.8  234   26   47   84   0.895
04/14  07:01      238  Hypatia                   903  Nealley                  17 56.94     -09 23.8  13.5  15.8    7  110   81   96   0.925
04/14  11:55      554  Peraga                    762  Pulcova                  07 20.25     +21 04.4  13.6  13.5  601  350  108   67   0.936
04/14  23:25      685  Hermia                   9846  1990 OS1                 12 17.28     -06 16.4  15.3  15.7  469  280   75   10   0.959
04/15  13:54      164  Eva                       154  Bertha                   23 20.17     -22 18.9  13.1  14.1  802  349   77  150   0.981
04/15  15:25     4544  Xanthus                   280  Philia                   14 03.45     -16 50.6  15.2  15.3  402  148   66   25   0.983
04/16  13:07      795  Fini                     1136  Mercedes                 13 00.93     -08 45.8  13.1  15.7  741  115   73    8   0.999
04/17  19:56      346  Hermentaria               752  Sulamitis                20 16.89     -21 11.5  12.8  15.5  549  131   74   80  -0.984
04/18  01:13      894  Erda                     1154  Astronomia               13 46.65     -05 16.3  14.0  15.1  209  275   77   19  -0.977
04/18  03:00      324  Bamberga                  159  Aemilia                  22 54.24     -08 17.5  11.6  14.7  567  143   91  116  -0.974
04/18  09:18     1237  Genevieve                5334  Mishima                  13 33.63     -00 41.6  14.7  15.2  678  104   81   29  -0.964
04/18  11:23     3786  Yamada                   1305  Pongola                  18 57.76     -23 43.3  15.7  15.9   99  116   69   52  -0.960
04/18  22:31      943  Begonia                 49699  Hidetakasato             14 53.60     +01 31.9  14.4  15.8  602  306   85   25  -0.936
04/19  03:55      828  Lindemannia              1729  Beryl                    11 47.50     +01 13.4  15.3  15.5   85  173   82   64  -0.922
04/19  12:55      402  Chloe                    1466  Mundleria                13 38.22     +10 34.6  12.3  14.6  203  284   92   51  -0.897
04/19  17:22      163  Erigone                  9900  Llull                    16 57.47     -15 52.5  14.1  15.9  760    2   72   10  -0.883
04/19  22:37      190  Ismene                   2204  Lyyli                    07 52.36     +16 36.5  13.9  15.9  454  164  102  135  -0.866
04/21  02:19      209  Dido                      153  Hilda                    13 15.45     -12 46.3  12.5  12.8  769  320   69   67  -0.762
04/23  00:09      979  Ilsewa                  25332  1999 KK6                 14 26.99     -17 53.3  14.6  15.8  215  256   65   76  -0.553
04/23  01:42      695  Bella                     898  Hildegard                22 31.91     -00 51.7  14.0  15.8  234  168   98   44  -0.546
04/24  18:58       72  Feronia                   442  Eichsfeldia              19 33.48     -15 51.9  13.0  14.2  471  133   78   31  -0.354
04/25  06:11       55  Pandora                  2294  Andronikov               16 31.72     -29 37.0  12.6  15.8  360  116   58   77  -0.305
04/26  06:51      779  Nina                      435  Ella                     05 22.89     +24 48.2  13.8  15.7  888  147  116  100  -0.208
04/26  19:07      337  Devosa                    742  Edisona                  05 43.48     +29 13.5  13.5  15.6  372  190  119   98  -0.165
04/27  01:46       24  Themis                     78  Diana                    23 01.12     -06 56.0  13.8  14.5   33  128   92    9  -0.143
04/27  09:34      184  Dejopeja                  527  Euryanthe                21 55.13     -13 05.5  14.7  15.4  307  358   85   30  -0.120
04/27  10:30      277  Elvira                    227  Philosophia              23 12.80     -04 02.1  15.4  15.3  201  353   95   11  -0.117
04/27  14:08      865  Zubaida                   284  Amalia                   07 28.46     +13 59.7  15.9  15.8  647  349  100  112  -0.107
04/27  15:41      711  Marmulla                   81  Terpsichore              17 45.02     -32 59.0  14.6  14.2  247   21   57   92  -0.103
04/28  06:58      142  Polana                   1058  Grubba                   10 49.48     +03 56.5  13.8  15.8  224  219   85  153  -0.066
04/28  08:35      786  Bredichina               1142  Aetolia                  18 53.31     -20 42.3  13.8  15.5  589  260   72   87  -0.062
04/28  15:06      742  Edisona                   753  Tiflis                   05 46.04     +29 09.1  15.6  15.9  562  193  119   75  -0.049
04/28  17:29      394  Arduina                  1543  Bourgeois                20 27.31     -22 58.9  14.3  15.8  539  126   73   70  -0.045
04/29  01:51     1961  Dufour                  25332  1999 KK6                 14 21.04     -15 33.3  15.5  15.6  549  260   67  160  -0.031
04/29  11:16     1277  Dolores                   299  Thora                    18 04.97     -22 55.8  14.8  15.7  232  148   68  112  -0.018
04/29  18:52       82  Alkmene                  4029  Bridges                  13 35.76     -10 29.7  11.6  15.4  282  282   71  177  -0.011
04/29  19:12     2843  Yeti                     2239  Paracelsus               14 38.36     -21 30.3  15.4  16.0  724  251   62  162  -0.010